Building Services

Building Services

LVI Associates: Your Partner for Exceptional Building Services Talent

Navigating from design to planning and execution, with a keen focus on sustainability and energy conservation, our global reach and specialist acumen make us the premier partner for permanent, contract, and multi-hire talent solutions in the Building Services sector.

Leverage our extensive 15+ years of partnership experience in talent acquisition for superior hiring, onboarding, and retention outcomes. If your aim is to enhance recruitment processes, stand out to top professionals by utilizing data-backed insights on salaries and benefits, and keep pace with industry advancements, request a call back today or submit a job specification to accelerate your search for Building Services experts.

Whether you're seeking top-tier talent in Building Services, or are a professional in the fields exploring career opportunities, LVI Associates is your trusted ally. Our team specializes in delivering elite professionals, such as Design Engineers, Heavy Civil Superintendents, Project Managers, and more.


โ€‹If you're a Building Services professional looking for new career opportunities, please register your CV/resume.

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โ€‹If you're an organization looking for the best Building Services talent, please register your vacancy or request a call back.

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Benefits of working with LVI Associates

Building Services, incorporating sophisticated technology and robust cybersecurity, is becoming increasingly vital in today's evolving infrastructure landscape. The demand for these developments is soaring as both established and emerging organizations lean towards the implementation of smart and automated systems in building management.

Whether your need lies in rapid placements for critical roles such as a Heavy Civil Superintendent, or strategic talent acquisition solutions for multiple Building Services positions, LVI Associates possesses the resources and expertise to deliver remarkable results. Among the numerous advantages of working with our specialist Building Services team are:


We have over a decadeโ€™s worth of experience as a leading talent partner in Building Services


A vast, global network of the best, in-demand professionals, working worldwide across Building Services.


Our award-winning Building Services talent specialists offer bespoke, tailored guidance on the latest hiring trends and industry news to help you achieve your goals.

Take the first step in overcoming your talent shortage by completing our form. Our dedicated team awaits the opportunity to discuss how we can effectively partner with your organization to fulfill your Building Services hiring needs.

Looking to hire? Request a call back today

Building Services Jobs

Building Services will be pivotal as automation becomes increasingly prevalent in our built environment. Partnering with a talent specialist like LVI Associates, who is immersed in the Building Services sector, can place your career on a leading trajectory. Review our current openings or submit your CV/resume, and our consultants will contact you when a fitting opportunity arises.

Electrical Project leader

Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem elektrotechnischen Projektleiter (m/w) zur Festanstellung im Unternehmen. Unser Kunde ist in einem kritischen Sektor tรคtig und konzentriert sich auf Rechenzentren in ganz Deutschland. Diese Position ist fรผr die Berliner Niederlassung vorgesehen. Diese Position bietet die Mรถglichkeit, an technischen Projekten in einem kritischen Sektor zu arbeiten. Die erhebliche Expansion des Rechenzentrumssektors, insbesondere in Deutschland, erfordert umfangreiche Ressourcen. In unserem Bestreben, diesen Bedarf zu minimieren, ohne das Wachstum zu bremsen, entwickeln wir nachhaltige und energieeffiziente Lรถsungen mit dem Ziel, unsere รถkologischen Auswirkungen zu reduzieren und die Umwelt zu schรผtzen. Warum mit uns zusammenarbeiten? Arbeiten Sie mit uns an der Infrastruktur digitaler Lรถsungen fรผr nationale und globale Kunden aus den unterschiedlichsten und spannendsten Branchen, von der Automobilindustrie und der Telekommunikation bis hin zu Online-Hรคndlern, Gesundheitseinrichtungen, Energieversorgern und darรผber hinaus. In unserem Unternehmen spielt jeder Einzelne eine wichtige Rolle bei der Gestaltung der digitalen Landschaft der Zukunft. Ihre Aufgaben: Planen und Abwickeln von Projekten nach vorgegebenen Anforderungen unter Berรผcksichtigung von Wirtschaftlichkeitsaspekten. Fachplanung fรผr Elektro sowie Koordination der Gesamtplanung. Beantwortung technischer Fragen vor Ort, Steuerung der Terminplanung und รœberwachung von Fremdleistungen. Zeitnahe und effektive Organisation der zugewiesenen Baustellen/Projekte. รœberwachung des Projektteams und der Nachunternehmer. Was Ihnen das Unternehmen bietet: Festanstellung Stabile Arbeitsplรคtze in einem schnell wachsenden High-Tech-Markt Flexible Strukturen und vielfรคltige Aufgaben mit hervorragenden Entwicklungsperspektiven Umfassende Mรถglichkeiten zur kontinuierlichen Weiterbildung und Schulung MaรŸgeschneiderter Onboarding-Prozess 30 Tage Jahresurlaub plus 24. und 31. Dezember frei Option auf teilweises Home-Office Vom Arbeitgeber finanzierter Pensionsplan Fahrrad-Leasing-Programm Tรคglich kostenloser Kaffee und Obst zur Erfrischung RegelmรครŸige Feste und teambildende Veranstaltungen wie Firmenlรคufe Jรคhrlicher Gesundheitstag Empfehlungsbonus fรผr die Anwerbung von Mitarbeitern Zugang zu vergรผnstigten Einkaufsmรถglichkeiten รผber das "Corporate Benefits"-Programm


Heavy Equipment Mechanic- Phoenix, AZ

Job Title: Heavy Equipment Mechanic Location: Phoenix, AZ Salary: $95,000- $105,000 Company Overview: This general contractor is a leading heavy civil construction company in the Phoenix area, specializing in heavy civil infrastructure projects. They are seeking a skilled Heavy Equipment Mechanic to join their team and contribute to the success of their projects. Job Description: As a Heavy Equipment Mechanic, you will play a crucial role in maintaining and repairing a variety of heavy machinery, including excavators, bulldozers, loaders, and more. You will diagnose mechanical issues, perform repairs, and conduct preventive maintenance to ensure optimal performance and safety of their equipment fleet. Experience Needed: Minimum of 3 years of experience as a heavy equipment mechanic, preferably in a construction or equipment rental environment. Proficiency in diagnosing and repairing diesel engines, hydraulic systems, and electrical components. Experience with troubleshooting and repairing various types of heavy equipment, including but not limited to excavators, loaders, dozers, and dump trucks. Ability to read and interpret equipment manuals, schematics, and diagnostic codes. Strong knowledge of safety protocols and procedures related to heavy equipment maintenance and repair. Qualifications Needed: High school diploma or equivalent; technical certification or vocational training in diesel mechanics or related field preferred. Valid driver's license with a clean driving record. Strong mechanical aptitude and problem-solving skills. Ability to work independently and efficiently in a fast-paced environment. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Benefits: Competitive hourly wage with opportunities for overtime. Comprehensive health, dental, and vision insurance plans. 401(k) retirement savings plan with company match. Paid time off and holiday pay. Ongoing training and professional development opportunities. Employee discounts on equipment rentals and services. Join their team and be part of a company that values professionalism, teamwork, and dedication to excellence in heavy equipment services. Apply now and take the next step in your career as a Heavy Equipment Mechanic!

US$95000 - US$105000 per year

Gruppenleitung (m/w/d) Elektrotechnik

Berufsbezeichnung: Gruppenleiter Elektrotechnik (m/f/d) Standort: Stuttgart Art der Beschรคftigung: Vollzeit, unbefristet Erwartungen: Als Gruppenleiter Elektrotechnik fรผhren Sie ein Team von Ingenieuren in technischer und administrativer Hinsicht. Zu Ihren Hauptaufgaben gehรถrt es, das Team durch nachhaltige Projekte im Sinne des Green Deals zu fรผhren, ein umfassendes Verstรคndnis der Planungsmethodik im Team sicherzustellen und die Qualitรคt und den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg der Projekte zu gewรคhrleisten. Die Implementierung von Building Information Modelling (BIM) in den Planungsprozess der Elektroabteilung fรคllt in Ihren Verantwortungsbereich. Darรผber hinaus รผberwachen Sie den Schulungs- und Entwicklungsbedarf der einzelnen Teammitglieder und arbeiten mit der Personalabteilung bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Einstellungsstrategien zusammen. Qualifikationen: - Abgeschlossene technische Hochschulausbildung oder Abschluss in technischer Gebรคudeausrรผstung. - Umfassende Erfahrung in Fรผhrung und Projektmanagement, insbesondere in der Planung, Koordination und Ausfรผhrung. - CAD-Kenntnisse und idealerweise Vertrautheit mit BIM. - Leidenschaft fรผr Nachhaltigkeit und Kenntnisse รผber den Green Deal. - Fรคhigkeit, ein vielfรคltiges Team zu fรผhren und aktiv zur Entwicklung von Nachwuchskrรคften beizutragen. - Starker Fokus auf Fristen, Budgeteinhaltung und Qualitรคtssicherung. Was wir bieten: Arbeiten Sie mit uns an anspruchsvollen internationalen Projekten in einem kollaborativen, interdisziplinรคren Umfeld. Unser ausschlieรŸlicher Einsatz von integrierten Teams, unterstรผtzt durch BIM, sorgt fรผr eine effiziente Projektplanung. Sie haben die Mรถglichkeit, Ihr Fachwissen bei komplexen, internationalen Hochbauprojekten an verschiedenen Standorten einzusetzen. Sie haben Zugang zu unserer Akademie, die Ihnen maรŸgeschneiderte Schulungs- und Entwicklungsmรถglichkeiten bietet. Unsere zukunftsweisenden Karriere- und Entwicklungsperspektiven sind auf Ihre Bedรผrfnisse zugeschnitten. GenieรŸen Sie flexible Arbeitszeiten und eine flexible Bรผrogestaltung, die Ihrem Lebensstil entspricht.


Projektleiter Sanitรคr, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik

Deine Aufgaben: Du bist verantwortlich fรผr den Erfolg der Projekte, dessen Leitung, รœberwachung und Koordination der Ausfรผhrung von TGA-Projekten in den Bereichen Sanitรคr-, Heizungs-, Lรผftungs,- und Klimatechnik Du koordinierst Termine und Ressourcen mit allen Projektbeteiligten von Projektbeginn bis zur Abnahme Du รผbernimmst die Personalverantwortung fรผr dein Projektteam und leitest, optimierst und koordinierst die Arbeitsablรคufe Einsatz und Koordination der Nachunternehmer auf Deiner Baustelle Du stellst wรคhrend des gesamten Projekts die Ausfรผhrungsqualitรคt und auch Mรคngelfeststellung und Beseitigung sicher und verwaltest das Budget innerhalb Deiner Projekte Du bist Ansprechpartner fรผr den Kunden und stellst die organisatorische und kommunikative Schnittstelle zwischen den Projektbeteiligten dar Du bringst mit: Du verfรผgen รผber eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Meister oder Techniker, alternativ hast Du ein Studium z.B. der Versorgungstechnik abgeschlossen Du hast Erfahrung in der Abwicklung von Projekten aus den genannten Gewerken Kenntnisse aus den einschlรคgigen Regelwerken (VOB, VOL, DIN, technische Regelwerke) und sicherer Umgang mit den gรคngigen MS-Office Programmen Eine hohe Leistungsbereitschaft und strukturiertes, zielorientiertes und verantwortliches Arbeiten im Interesse des Projektergebnisses Du hast einen Fรผhrerschein Klasse B Wir bieten Dir: Karriere & Entwicklung: Nach deiner umfangreichen Onboarding- und Einarbeitungsphase gestalten wir deine Weiterentwicklung in unserer Salvia Akademie - Wir fรถrdern deine Entwicklung indem wir deine Weiterbildung zum Beispiel zum Finanzbuchhalter oder Bilanzbuchhalter finanziell und inhaltlich unterstรผtzen Verdienst & Vorsorge: Du kannst die Bereitschaft der รผbertariflichen Bezahlung erwarten, verknรผpft mit weiteren geldwerten Vorteilen und gefรถrderter betrieblicher Altersvorsorge, die รผber den vorgeschriebenen Rahmen hinaus geht. Gerne kannst du auch deine vermรถgenswirksamen Leistungen in die Altersvorsorge einflieรŸen lassen Wachstum & Markt: Die Salvia Gruppe konnte innerhalb von 15 Jahren zu einer festen GrรถรŸe der technischen Gebรคudeausrรผstung und Service heranwachsen. Mit Expertise und vollen Auftragsbรผchern bieten wir nicht nur einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz, sondern auch eine perspektivisch wachsende Unternehmung, in der du die Mรถglichkeit hast, mitzuwachsen und teilzuhaben Unternehmenskultur & Umgang: Du wirst in ein familiรคres Arbeitsumfeld integriert, in welchem du neben einem dynamischen Team eine kurze und offene Leitung zu deiner Fรผhrung hรคltst. Natรผrlich lassen wir uns auch die Mรถglichkeit eines alljรคhrlichen Sommerfestes nicht entgehen. Zur Weihnachtszeit kannst du dann unser Betriebswichteln miterleben, um bei Waffeln, Glรผhwein in festlicher Atmosphรคre, andere und dich selbst รผberraschen zu lassen Coaching & Kurse: Wir als Unternehmen mรผssen natรผrlich fordern, aber wollen auch fรถrdern. Dies geschieht mit Angeboten zur Ausbildung, Weiter- oder Fortbildung aus unserer Salvia Akademie heraus. Dort kannst du dein Wissen in verschiedenen Anwendungen und Bereichen vertiefen, Konfliktmanagement oder andere Softskills erlernen, als auch dein Wissen in Erste-Hilfe-Kursen, VOB-Schulungen und anderen essenziellen Bereichen auffrischen Equipment & Wellbeing: Moderne Werkzeuge, neuste Ausstattung, gute Arbeitskleidung als auch digitale Unterstรผtzung durch effektive Software stellen wir unseren Mitarbeitern ebenso zur Verfรผgung wie performante Hardware, die zur Erledigung des Jobs benรถtigt wird. Offene Bรผrokonzepte, Gleitzeitregelungen und ein Auge fรผr die Bedรผrfnisse unserer Mitarbeiter sind uns wichtig Gesundheit & Fitness: Die kรถrperliche und geistige Gesunderhaltung unserer Mitarbeiter ist ein wichtiges Ziel. Dafรผr bieten wir dir nicht nur bis zu zwei Jobrรคder mit รœbernahme der Versicherung, Service und Inspektion, sowie Beteiligung an der Rate, sondern auch unseren Gesundheitsbonus der Quartalsweise ausgezahlt wird. Ebenso fรถrdern wir die Mitgliedschaft im Sportverein oder Fitnessstudio mit einem Zuschuss


Structural Engineer

Our client is seeking a Senior Structural Engineer with substantial experience in structural engineering and management roles. The ideal candidate will have 10-15 years of relevant experience and a track record of successful project execution. As a Senior Project Engineer, you will play a crucial role in our company's growth and success by working closely with clients, leading project teams, and contributing to our innovative and inclusive culture. Key Responsibilities: Collaborate with project teams and management to oversee project execution. Mentor and supervise junior team members, providing guidance and support. Demonstrate strong project ownership and client service by meeting deadlines and addressing client needs promptly. Manage project budgets and financials effectively. Identify and resolve project issues in a timely manner. Coordinate with stakeholders and manage conflicting priorities as needed. Ensure technical accuracy in project deliverables. Conduct field investigations and provide construction support services. Utilize engineering software and tools effectively, including RISA-3D, SAP2000, ETABS, RAM Structural, Enercalc, Excel, AutoCAD, and REVIT (experience in these tools is a plus). Requirements: 10-15 years of experience in structural engineering. Proficiency in steel, concrete, and wood design with a strong analytical background. Experience managing staff engineers and collaborating with project stakeholders. Excellent communication skills (verbal and written). Ability to multitask and manage multiple projects efficiently. MS in Civil or Structural Engineering (BS considered for exceptional candidates). PE License (SE License preferred). Benefits: Profit-sharing. Commuter benefits. Flexible Spending Account (FSA) / Health Savings Account (HSA). Vibrant company culture with social events and flexible workspace arrangements. Health, Dental, and Vision Insurance. Long-Term Disability and Life Insurance. 401(k) Plan with employer matching contributions. Paid company holidays and PTO. Professional development opportunities.

US$130000 - US$150000 per annum
San Francisco

Construction Inspector- Seattle, WA

Job Title: Construction Inspector Location: Seattle, WA Salary: $100,000- $200,000 + Bonus(s) Company Overview: Join this dynamic team at one of the leading Engineering, Construction, and Inspection Firms across the US. This organization is a leading construction management firm dedicated to delivering high-quality infrastructure projects that shape communities and improve lives. They are seeking a skilled Construction Inspector to join their team in Seattle, Washington, and contribute to the successful completion of their heavy civil infrastructure projects. Job Description: As a Construction Inspector, you will be responsible for ensuring that construction activities comply with project specifications, codes, and regulations. You will conduct inspections, document findings, and collaborate with project managers and contractors to maintain project quality and schedule adherence. Experience Needed: Minimum of 5 years of experience in construction inspection, preferably in heavy civil infrastructure projects. Proficiency in reading and interpreting construction plans, specifications, and drawings. Experience with inspection techniques, materials testing, and quality assurance/quality control processes. Familiarity with relevant codes and regulations governing construction in Washington State. Ability to effectively communicate and collaborate with project stakeholders, including contractors, engineers, and regulatory agencies. Experience with AUTOCAD and Civil3D Qualifications Needed: Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Management, or related field preferred. Relevant certifications such as NICET, ACI, or ICC are a plus. Strong attention to detail and problem-solving skills. Ability to work independently and prioritize tasks in a fast-paced construction environment. Proficiency in using construction management software and tools for documentation and reporting. Benefits: Competitive salary commensurate with experience. Comprehensive health, dental, and vision insurance plans. Retirement savings plan with company matching. Opportunities for professional development and career advancement. Supportive and collaborative work environment with a focus on employee well-being. Join their team and be part of a company committed to excellence in construction management and making a positive impact on the communities they serve. Apply now and take the next step in your career!

US$100000 - US$200000 per year

Senior Mechanical Engineer

The opportunity to work within a well-renowned engineering firm which specializes in the design and construction of mission-critical data centers. Seeking a Senior Mechanical Engineer Requirements: 7+ years of data center mission critical mechanical engineering design experience P.E. License Proficient with AutoCAD Experience working with Cooling Towers/Chillers, Glycol Systems, Air Cooled Systems, In Row Cooling/Rear Door Heat Exchange, BMS Control, Plumbing/Fire Protection Up to 10% travel may be required

US$150000 - US$180000 per year
New Jersey

Safety Director

We are working with a leading subcontractor renowned for excellence in roofing, waterproofing, gutters, and building envelope solutions. With a steadfast commitment to safety and quality, our client is seeking an experienced Safety Director to oversee the comprehensive safety programs, ensuring all projects adhere to the highest standards of safety and compliance. As a Safety Director, you will play a pivotal role in maintaining their reputation as a leader in construction safety. You will be responsible for developing, implementing, and overseeing the company's safety initiatives to prevent workplace injuries and ensure compliance with all regulatory laws and standards. Key Responsibilities: Develop and enforce a robust safety program that aligns with OSHA standards and industry best practices. Conduct regular site inspections and audits to identify potential hazards and ensure compliance with safety protocols. Lead safety training sessions and certification courses for employees at all levels. Investigate accidents and incidents to determine causes and implement preventive measures. Collaborate with project managers and crew leaders to integrate safety measures into project planning and execution. Manage and coordinate all communication with regulatory bodies. Maintain current knowledge of industry trends, innovations, and legislation in safety. Requirements: Proven experience as a Safety Director or similar role in the construction or related industry, particularly in roofing, waterproofing, or building envelope projects. Bilingual proficiency is highly desirable to effectively communicate with our diverse workforce. Certification in OSHA 30-hour construction safety and health. Strong analytical skills to assess risk and implement effective solutions. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. If you are interested in the opportunity and meet the above requirements, please don't hesitate to apply.

US$130000 - US$160000 per annum

Senior Mechanical Engineer, Washington DC

Senior Mechanical Engineer in the DC Area Job Summary: A well-established engineering ESOP is seeking a Senior Mechanical Engineer for a full-time position. The ideal candidate should have 10-15 years of experience and be a registered Professional Engineer. This role requires expertise in mechanical HVAC, plumbing systems, and/or architectural engineering, with a focus on public building projects. Location: Washington DC Employment Type: Full-time, 40 hours per week Registration(s): Professional Engineer Education: Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) Duties/Responsibilities Lead mechanical building systems and infrastructure engineering design on various large public and private developments. Conduct business development activities and foster client relationships. Manage project delivery within the office and project teams. Develop project scope, budget, and schedules; negotiate projects with clients. Assist in recruiting new team members as needed. Manage design team performance. Conduct whole building energy modeling for life-cycle analysis. Guide junior engineers and monitor their performance. Review LEED requirements and ensure their integration into designs. Qualifications: BSME with 10-15 years of relevant experience. Understanding of LEED requirements; LEED AP preferred. Experience in sustainable systems design. Proficient in Revit, Trane Trace 700, Bluebeam, AutoCAD, and MS Office Suite. Strong leadership and communication skills. Ability to win new clients and projects. Competencies: Applies technical knowledge effectively. Upholds company policies and culture. Demonstrates strong business acumen. Builds and maintains key relationships. Fosters a positive team environment. Benefits & Perks: Health, dental, and vision insurance. Telehealth services. Disability coverage. Paid holidays, vacation, and sick leave. Tuition reimbursement. Commuter benefits. Professional society fee reimbursements. Retirement plans.

US$120000 - US$170000 per year
District of Columbia

Mechanical Superintendent

CLIENT My client is a large national General Contractor specializing in large scale industrial and commercial construction projects. They are currently seeking multiple Mechanical & Plumbing Superintendents for some large Water/wastewater & industrial projects across Kentucky. RESPONSIBILITIES: Develop cost estimates for the project and budget management Manage subcontractors, suppliers, and other construction personnel Monitor construction progress and quality to ensure compliance with project plans and specifications Reviewing and approving contract documentation Maintain and managing accurate records of job site activities, including daily reports, time cards, and material deliveries Communicate effectively with project stakeholders, including owners, architects, and engineers REQUIREMENTS: 5-7 years of experience as a Superintendent Experience working on Water/Wastewater & Industrial projects Knowledge of construction methods and materials Experience working on projects exceeding $10M in value Strong leadership and communication skills Ability to read and interpret construction and engineering plans and specifications Proficiency in Microsoft Office and construction management software My client are offering a Mon-Thu work week, competitive salary and benefits package, as well as opportunities for professional growth and advancement. If you are a highly motivated individual with a passion for construction and a proven track record of success, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity. Please submit your resume and project list for consideration.

US$115000 - US$140000 per annum

Mechanical Superintendent

CLIENT My client is a large national General Contractor specializing in large scale industrial and commercial construction projects. They are currently seeking multiple Mechanical & Plumbing Superintendents & PMs for large Water/wastewater & industrial projects across the North East US - New Hampshire - Rhode Island - Massachusetts - Connecticut - Pennsylvania RESPONSIBILITIES: Develop cost estimates for the project and budget management Manage subcontractors, suppliers, and other construction personnel Monitor construction progress and quality to ensure compliance with project plans and specifications Reviewing and approving contract documentation Maintain and managing accurate records of job site activities, including daily reports, time cards, and material deliveries Communicate effectively with project stakeholders, including owners, architects, and engineers REQUIREMENTS: 5-7 years of experience as a Superintendent Experience working on Water/Wastewater projects (Min 3 years) Knowledge of construction methods and materials Experience working on projects exceeding $15M in value Strong leadership and communication skills Ability to read and interpret construction and engineering plans and specifications Proficiency in Microsoft Office and construction management software My client are offering a very competitive salary and benefits package, as well as opportunities for professional growth and advancement. If you are a highly motivated individual with a passion for construction and a proven track record of success, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity. Please submit your resume and project list for consideration.


Traveling Heavy Civil Safety Manager

Position: Traveling Heavy Civil Safety Manager Location: Traveling Required (Majority of Projects in CA and MT) Salary: $100,000-$200,000 Are you passionate about ensuring safety in large-scale civil construction projects? Do you thrive in dynamic environments and have a solid background in dam projects across the United States? This leading general contractor is seeking a Traveling Heavy Civil Safety Manager to join their team and oversee safety protocols across their diverse portfolio of dam projects. Responsibilities: Develop and implement safety procedures and policies specific to dam construction projects. Conduct regular site inspections to identify and mitigate potential hazards. Provide safety training to project teams and subcontractors. Collaborate with project managers to ensure compliance with safety regulations and standards. Investigate accidents and near-misses, identifying root causes and implementing corrective actions. Stay abreast of industry best practices and emerging safety technologies. Experience Needed: Proven experience as a Safety Manager in heavy civil construction, with a focus on dam projects. Comprehensive knowledge of safety regulations and standards, including OSHA and EPA requirements. Experience developing and implementing safety programs for large-scale construction sites. Strong understanding of dam construction methodologies and associated safety risks. Demonstrated ability to effectively communicate safety protocols to diverse teams. Qualifications Needed: Bachelor's degree in Occupational Health and Safety, Civil Engineering, or a related field. Certification in Occupational Health and Safety (e.g., CSP, CIH) preferred. Minimum of 5 years of experience in heavy civil construction safety management. Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite and safety management software. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Willingness to travel extensively to project sites across the United States. Benefits: Competitive salary commensurate with experience. Comprehensive benefits package, including health insurance and retirement plans. Opportunities for professional development and advancement. Travel allowances and expenses covered. The chance to work on cutting-edge dam projects with a dynamic and innovative team. Join them in making a positive impact on critical infrastructure projects while ensuring the safety and well-being of their teams. Apply now to be considered for this exciting opportunity!

US$100000 - US$200000 per year
United States of America

News & Insights

Exploring Double-Skinned Faรงades Image

Exploring Double-Skinned Faรงades

As the world grapples with environmental challenges, the construction industry has undergone a significant transformation. The increasing focus on sustainable building practices has paved the way for innovative architectural solutions. Among them, double-skinned faรงades have emerged as a game-changer, combining energy efficiency, aesthetic appeal, and environmental responsibility. This blog explores the remarkable growth of the faรงade market, driven by the adoption of double-skinned faรงades, while also discussing the challenges faced in talent acquisition and nurturing new talent.According to insights from The Insight Partners, a leading market research firm, the faรงade market's size is anticipated to witness substantial growth. In 2021, the market was valued at $195.42 billion, and it is projected to reach an impressive $270.91 billion by 2028. This remarkable surge is attributed to various factors, including the increasing demand for sustainable construction practices, the flourishing construction industry in China, and the widescale adoption of double-skinned faรงades in corporate buildings worldwide.Benefits of Double-Skinned FaรงadesEnergy Efficiency: Double-skinned faรงades provide exceptional thermal insulation, reducing energy consumption for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. The additional layer acts as a buffer, reducing heat transfer between the interior and exterior, thereby promoting energy conservation.Improved Indoor Comfort: The dual-layer design of double-skinned faรงades enhances indoor comfort by minimizing temperature fluctuations, drafts, and noise pollution. The internal layer acts as a barrier against external elements, creating a controlled and serene environment for occupants.Natural Ventilation and Daylighting: These faรงades offer opportunities for natural ventilation and daylighting, reducing reliance on mechanical systems and artificial lighting. The external layer protects against excessive heat gain, while carefully placed openings facilitate cross-ventilation and ample natural light penetration.Aesthetic Appeal and Design Flexibility: Double-skinned faรงades offer architects and designers an expansive canvas for creativity. The two layers can be designed with different materials, textures, and finishes, resulting in visually stunning faรงades that enhance the overall aesthetics of the building.Challenges in Talent Acquisition and Nurturing New TalentAs the adoption of double-skinned faรงades gains momentum, the industry faces significant challenges in acquiring and nurturing talent in this specialist field:Skills Shortage: Designing and implementing double-skinned faรงades require specialized knowledge and expertise. However, finding professionals with experience in this niche area can be challenging, as it demands a unique skill set combining architecture, engineering, and sustainability.Continuous Learning and Upgrading: The field of double-skinned faรงades is evolving rapidly, with new technologies and materials being introduced regularly. To stay ahead, professionals need to embrace lifelong learning, continuously upgrade their skills, and stay updated with the latest industry advancements.Limited Educational Programs: Currently, there is a lack of dedicated educational programs and courses that focus specifically on double-skinned faรงades. Aspiring professionals often face difficulties in finding comprehensive training opportunities, resulting in a scarcity of talent in the industry.Nurturing New TalentAddressing the talent gap in the double-skinned faรงades industry requires collective efforts from educational institutions, industry leaders, and professional organizations. Some potential solutions include:Collaboration between Academia and Industry: Educational institutions can collaborate with architectural firms, engineering companies, and sustainability organizations to develop specialized programs and internships, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application.Knowledge Sharing Platforms: Creating online platforms and forums where professionals can exchange ideas, share best practices, and discuss emerging trends can encourage continuous learning and community building within the industry.Mentorship and Apprenticeship Programs: Established professionals can mentor and guide aspiring talent through apprenticeship programs, providing hands-on experience and practical insights into the field of double-skinned faรงades.โ€‹The rise of double-skinned faรงades is revolutionizing the construction industry, offering a sustainable and visually appealing solution to architectural challenges. The projected growth of the faรงade market highlights their immense potential in mitigating environmental impact and improving energy efficiency. However, the scarcity of talent and the need for nurturing new professionals pose significant challenges.If you are a client seeking global talented faรงade professionals to bring your visionary projects to life, we encourage you to request a call back from LVI Associates. LVI Associates is a renowned recruitment firm specializing in connecting businesses with top-tier talent in the construction and engineering sectors. With their extensive global network and industry expertise, LVI Associates can assist you in finding the right professionals to execute your double-skinned faรงade projects flawlessly.For faรงade professionals seeking exciting new projects and career opportunities, we recommend exploring the faรงade vacancies listed by LVI Associates. Whether you are a seasoned expert or just starting your career, LVI Associates offers a range of opportunities across the globe, allowing you to showcase your skills and contribute to cutting-edge architectural advancements.

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Overcoming Challenges to Achieve True Sustainability in Faรงade Engineering Image

Overcoming Challenges to Achieve True Sustainability in Faรงade Engineering

Faรงade engineering plays a critical role in the pursuit of sustainable building practices. However, achieving true sustainability in faรงade design is not without its challenges. Balancing aesthetics and performance, cost considerations, limited availability of sustainable materials, and the lack of industry standards are just a few hurdles faced by professionals in the field. In this blog, we delve into the difficulties encountered in achieving true sustainability in faรงade engineering and explore ways to overcome them.Balancing Aesthetics and PerformanceFaรงades serve as the visual identity of a building, making aesthetics a significant consideration. However, reconciling visual appeal with energy efficiency and sustainability can be a complex task. Striking the right balance between design requirements and sustainable performance can be challenging, but it is possible through innovative design solutions, advanced materials, and thoughtful integration of energy-efficient technologies.Cost ConsiderationsSustainable design often entails higher upfront costs compared to conventional approaches. Incorporating energy-efficient technologies, renewable energy systems, and eco-friendly materials may require additional investments. The challenge lies in convincing clients and stakeholders of the long-term benefits of sustainability, showcasing reduced operational costs, increased building value, and enhanced occupant satisfaction. Demonstrating the return on investment and lifecycle cost analysis can help overcome cost-related barriers.Limited Availability of Sustainable MaterialsWhile sustainable building materials are gaining popularity, their availability and accessibility can still be limited. Finding suppliers and manufacturers that offer sustainable options in the required quantities and specifications can be challenging. Additionally, sustainable materials may come with higher costs or require specialized installation techniques. Overcoming this challenge involves actively seeking out reliable suppliers, and exploring alternative materials.Lack of Industry Standards and RegulationsThe absence of consistent industry standards and regulations specific to sustainable faรงade engineering poses a challenge. Clear guidelines and benchmarks are necessary to ensure that sustainable practices are universally adopted. Encouraging collaboration among industry professionals, architects, engineers, and governing bodies can drive the development and implementation of green building certifications, codes, and regulations that promote sustainable faรงade design.Integration ChallengesImplementing various sustainable technologies and strategies in faรงade design requires seamless coordination among multiple stakeholders. Ensuring optimal performance and compatibility of different components can be technically challenging. Overcoming integration challenges involves fostering collaboration, enhancing communication, and utilizing building information modeling (BIM) technology to facilitate coordination and ensure the smooth integration of different systems.Evolving Technologies and Knowledge GapThe field of sustainable faรงade engineering is constantly evolving, with new technologies and strategies steadily emerging. Keeping up with the latest advancements and understanding their practical applications can be a challenge. Continuous professional learning, participation in industry events, and knowledge-sharing platforms can all help to bridge the knowledge gap and keep informed about emerging trends.Lifecycle ConsiderationsTrue sustainability in faรงade engineering requires considering the entire lifecycle of the faรงade, including material selection, maintenance, and end-of-life options. Ensuring durability, ease of maintenance, and the potential for repurposing or recycling demands careful planning and coordination among stakeholders. Incorporating lifecycle thinking early in the design process can lead to more sustainable choices and reduce the environmental impact throughout the faรงade's lifespan.โ€‹While achieving true sustainability in faรงade engineering comes with its fair share of challenges, the industry is making significant strides. By addressing the balance between aesthetics and performance, managing costs, advocating for sustainable materials, establishing standards and regulations, enhancing collaboration, and staying abreast of evolving technologies, professionals in the field can overcome these hurdles. With collective efforts and an ongoing commitment, the goal of achieving true sustainability in faรงade engineering can be realized, paving the way for greener and more sustainable buildings.Hiring managers play a crucial role in driving sustainability in faรงade engineering. By prioritizing candidates with a passion for sustainability or relevant experience, organizations can shape the industry and make a positive environmental impact. If you're a hiring manager seeking talented faรงade engineers with a focus on sustainability, we invite you to complete our request a call back form. Our specialist team at LVI Associates can connect you with skilled professionals who are dedicated to creating energy-efficient and environmentally friendly faรงades. Together, let's build a greener future in faรงade engineering.

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The Future of Faรงade Engineering: Embracing Change and Engaging Expertise Image

The Future of Faรงade Engineering: Embracing Change and Engaging Expertise

As a hiring manager in the built environment industry, you're no stranger to the importance of faรงade engineering. This crucial discipline, straddling both architecture and engineering, plays a transformative role in shaping our buildings and urban landscapes. With the ever-evolving nature of construction and design technology, the field of faรงade engineering is also poised on the cusp of dramatic change. This naturally raises the question: how can you ensure your company is adequately prepared for these changes and remains at the forefront of innovation in this field?LVI Associates is the catalyst for your solutions. If your search extends to roles like faรงade consultant, faรงade designer, faรงade structural engineer, or faรงade project manager, LVI Associates is primed with a diverse pool of specialist talent that can guide you through the ever-evolving landscape of faรงade engineering. Request a call back request with LVI Associates now, and allow us to find the right talent your business needs to excel in this dynamic field.The Future is Now: The Trends Shaping Faรงade EngineeringSustainable and Energy Efficient DesignSustainable and energy-efficient design is not a new trend, but it's a trend that will continue to dominate the future of faรงade engineering. Buildings account for approximately 40% of global energy consumption, and faรงades, as the 'skin' of a building, play a crucial role in energy conservation. Faรงade engineers who specialize in sustainable design, energy modeling, and building envelope performance will be in high demand as companies seek to meet stricter energy regulations and public demand for sustainable architecture.Digitization and Building Information Modeling (BIM)The increasing digitization of the construction industry is bringing about significant changes in the way faรงades are designed and constructed. BIM, in particular, is revolutionizing faรงade engineering, offering a 3D model-based process that gives architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) professionals the insights and tools to more efficiently plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure. Faรงade engineers skilled in BIM and other digital design tools will be invaluable as the industry continues to embrace digitization.Advanced Materials and MethodsThe future of faรงade engineering also lies in the exploration and utilization of advanced materials and innovative methods. Whether it's self-cleaning concrete, bio-reactive faรงades, or responsive faรงade systems that adapt to changing environmental conditions, the possibilities are endless. Expertise in advanced materials, methods, and technologies can give your company a competitive edge in the marketplace.Challenges Facing Faรงade EngineeringFaรงade Engineering, like any other discipline, is subject to a variety of challenges that evolve alongside the industry itself. These challenges are often driven by changes in technology, regulatory environments, and societal needs. Here are some of the significant challenges facing Faรงade Engineering today:Sustainability and Energy Efficiency: As awareness and concern for the environment grow, faรงade engineers are tasked with designing faรงades that are not only visually appealing but also energy-efficient and sustainable. This often involves balancing aesthetics with performance to create faรงades that reduce energy consumption and minimize environmental impact.Regulatory Compliance: Building codes and standards are continually evolving to ensure safety, energy efficiency, and sustainability. Faรงade engineers need to keep pace with these changes to design and construct faรงades that meet or exceed these standards.Technological Innovations: With the advent of new materials, construction methods, and digital technologies like BIM, faรงade engineers need to stay updated and adapt their practices accordingly. They must embrace new skills and tools, and navigate the complexities of integrating these technologies into existing workflows.Complexity of Modern Architecture: Today's buildings often feature intricate or unconventional designs that can be a challenge to execute. Complex geometries, large glass surfaces, and unique materials require a high degree of technical expertise and creative problem-solving.Balancing Cost and Quality: Faรงade engineering involves making decisions that can significantly impact the overall cost of a project. Engineers need to balance budget constraints with the need for high-quality materials and construction, which requires a deep understanding of both the financial and technical aspects of a project.Building Longevity and Maintenance: Designing a faรงade that stands the test of time and requires minimal maintenance is another critical challenge. This concern becomes even more significant for tall buildings exposed to harsh weather conditions and other environmental factors.These challenges underscore the need for skilled and knowledgeable professionals in the field of faรงade engineering. They also highlight the importance of ongoing learning and adaptation in this ever-evolving discipline. The future of faรงade engineering depends on our ability to meet these challenges head-on, employing innovative solutions and leveraging the latest technology to create buildings that are sustainable, efficient, beautiful, and resilient.Embrace the Future with LVI AssociatesFinding the right specialist talent is crucial to successfully navigate these trends. But how do you attract these professionals, and how do you evaluate their expertise and their fit within your company? That's where LVI Associates, a leading provider of specialist talent in the built environment sector, comes in.With a comprehensive understanding of the faรงade engineering landscape and an expansive network of professionals, we ensure that the process of hiring is as smooth and efficient as possible. Our dedicated team of consultants can help you navigate the complexity of these emerging trends, ensuring that you have the right team in place to meet your strategic goals.Request a call back from LVI Associates if you're looking for specialist talent in faรงade engineering. If you have a job specification on hand, feel free to submit it to us today. We understand the nuances and specifics required in a faรงade engineering role, and we're ready to help connect you with the right professionals.

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Interview & Hiring Guidance Image

Interview & Hiring Guidance

โ€‹5 essential tips for employers, hiring managers, and HR on the hiring process in energy & infrastructure The interview process, from initial phone call screenings and psychometric testing, to face to face interviews with the hiring manager and onsite tours, can often be a long and laborious process. So it is imperative to keep an interview process streamlined and engaged, to ensure talent doesnโ€™t drop out, and your organization, and yourself is represented best. Here are 5 vital top tips for employers to stick to when interviewing top talent. Be present Showing excitement to prospective candidates provides insights for them into the potential team culture and attitude. Asking them questions about themselves, on their interests, their lives, their careers, as opposed to only technical questions to vet their hard skills, goes a long way in connecting on a human level. Another way to connect is by sharing real life examples of the day to day, positive experiences about the role and team, and details about project work. These are important talking points candidates like to know, and while they understand an interview may be rigorous technically, maintaining the conversational, human aspect is important too. Being engaged may sound simple, but given how much of the interview process is over Zoom/VC/phone these days, it is easy to get distracted and check emails or open windows on your computer. Remaining attentive and interested will bring the best out of the interview process and provide a positive candidate experience. Also important is to be interesting yourself. Be in sell modeMany of the above points are indirect examples of selling your team and role. However, in a more overt way, providing exciting opportunities at present and for future career growth are always on candidatesโ€™ minds and knowing there is more to be excited about than just hands-on skills or what is in the job description on day one makes them buy into the role and organization more. As part of selling the role, explain why you took this position, and what you liked about the company and team. Be relatable to their circumstances and share with them why the position in your team, at your company, is the best move they can make.Another important aspect to highlight here is the culture. Maybe there is more to what makes the role great than just the daily tasks or responsibilities, such as company sports team, lunch clubs, charitable groups, or environmental initiatives. Highlight what else is enjoyable so that candidates are excited about this role, as well as the team and company, aside from the day to day. These days competition for top talent is so tight, that those cultural differences can distinguish you amongst the rest.Be positive Many of the above points translate to this aspect of hiring, but above all, being cordial, professional, and sharing timely feedback all contribute to a positive candidate experience. In some cases, the candidate may not be a good fit culturally, or for your position, but you should still offer them professionalism and positivity in the interview. Remember, they may have colleagues or a network of other experts that could be better suited for your role/team. You want them to have a positive experience to refer people to you, and maintain your companyโ€™s reputation in the market, as well as your own. It's also important to note that many candidates often have other processes in the mix, so if you give them any chances to doubt their experience, they could be more likely to go elsewhere. Be flexible If a professional isnโ€™t the 100% right fit, still ask yourself if there is a place for them in the team or organization, especially if they bring something unique to the company. Keep an open mind when recruiting talent, and consider the future headcount. Potentially you can create a new role for an exceptional candidate, especially if you donโ€™t want to lose someone good to a competitor. See the positives in a candidateโ€™s skillset if they bring enough to the table, and find reasons to say yes, especially in this market. Outside of being flexible with the job description, can you also be flexible with the offer? Offering nuanced benefits, flexible working, and customizing offers to the individual joining can again make the difference between rejecting and accepting. Be decisive The market is still exceptionally hot, so it is vital hiring managers are mindful of how quick an interview process needs to be. โ€œKeeping someone warmโ€ is so important, but if you canโ€™t commit to them you do risk them going in another direction. Therefore, be timely with your feedback, especially if it's positive, to keep the momentum up. If they are at the top of your mind, you should stay at the top of theirs. Try and push approvals quickly as well. This is often bureaucratic but affect whatever influence you can have on an interview or hiring process, and donโ€™t allow things to slow down if you can control it.Finally, be competitive. Donโ€™t allow back and forth negotiations to hinder a process or allow time for other processes to catch up. Put your best, most competitive offer forward so it entices them from the very start. ย To hire the best candidate for your open role, get in touch with LVI Associatesย today. As a specialist talent partner in energy & infrastructure , we have access to industry-leading talent around the world. Find the talent you need by submitting your vacancy, or request a call back below to elevate your hiring process with the right talent partner today.

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Finding a company culture that fitsโ€ฏ Image
Management & Culture

Finding a company culture that fitsโ€ฏ

For professionals seeking a new job, itโ€™s often factors like salary, the day-to-day of the role itself, and the company brand that are central to the decision process. But each company has its own culture, customs, and values, even if they arenโ€™t clearly defined, and they actually have more of an influence on your productivity, success, and even earnings than might be immediately clear.โ€ฏThe world of work has undergone some remarkable transformation over the last few years, accelerated by the pandemic and the redefining of our values that it sparked - not to mention the major shift to a candidate-driven job market. As a result, experts have been given the opportunity to rethink whatโ€™s important to them in their day-to-day work life beyond the paycheck or job spec, and in large professional sectors in particular, such as technology and finance, this has positively influenced hiring companiesโ€™ approach to culture and its pivotal role in attracting and retaining top talent, as well as quality of work.โ€ฏA companyโ€™s culture is essentially its personality, and while some may think of it as a buzzword that signifies lunch time yoga or wearing casual clothes to work, it plays a much greater role in how an employee shows up for work every day than any promotion, bonus, or salary could. Thankfully, businesses are catching on, and companies from trendy new start-ups to corporate powerhouses are adapting to the changing needs of professionals, investing more intentionally in developing cultures focused on collaboration, positivity, and flexibility, alongside added perks that are both useful and unusual, giving them an extra competitive edge.โ€ฏBusiness cultures are just as varied as those in societies, and there can be danger in taking a job in a company where there is a cultural disconnect between employer and employee. This can lead to issues down the line as the employee becomes unhappy and the employer is dissatisfied with attitude or performance. When interviewing for a new role, it is therefore imperative that you are conducting your own assessment of their culture and how you would fit into it. Itโ€™s one thing to ask broadly about what their culture is like, but itโ€™s important to come prepared with more specific questions in order to get a deeper sense of what life as an employee there would really be like.โ€ฏThis article will look at what to focus on when assessing the culture of a workplace you are interviewing for, and how to get a realistic impression of the culture by doing some digging yourself before accepting a job offer.โ€ฏLook beyond the free gym passWhen reading about a potential role at a new company, itโ€™s important to look beyond the shiny, eye-catching perks that theyโ€™ll want to tell you all about. While a free gym pass, pizza Fridays, a pool table, and fabulous social events are alluring, (and rightfully so, as they are a sign of a company that wants to reward the hard work of its employees) these are surface level, and your experience in the company will depend much more on deeper cultural traits and values such as flexibility when you need it, a supportive team environment, recognition, and opportunities for growth.โ€ฏWhile some perks are inventive and exciting and can certainly enhance your experience, a cool office space will never compensate for a negative work environment, and your happiness is always more important than a brand name on your CV or a bottle of beer on a Friday. Remember that perks are part of company culture, but not the culture itself, and tt is a company culture that helps businesses pull through times when money for perks isnโ€™t on tap.What is truly important to you?You can work in a beautiful office with tastefully exposed brickwork and a designer chair, but none of this will matter if you hate your job. Approaching your job search having previously assessed what exactly you are seeking from your work life, what your non-negotiables are, and which elements of company culture will have the biggest impact on you, will help you to stay focused and land the role thatโ€™s right for you.โ€ฏWork out what truly motivates you and will support you to be the best version of yourself both professionally and personally, whether itโ€™s flexible working options, a diverse workforce, or a tight-knit team, and see if this is provided by the company you are interviewing for.โ€ฏConsider which environments make you feel productive. How do you best work? Are you seeking more autonomy and the option to work from home? Then you may not be a fit for a company that is heavily focused on collaboration and team socialising.What is the companyโ€™s mission? Its values? Does it have a corporate social responsibility programme? A diverse workforce? Pinpoint those core values and see how they align with the messages companies are including on their employee value proposition and materials for professionals. These will inspire commitment and confidence in both your search and in the decision you land on.How to research a company culture as a professionalJust as youโ€™ll want to get a feel for a neighbourhood before you buy a house, the same applies when you are searching for a new job. Your actual exposure to a company can be limited within the recruitment process, so we recommend using the following to research a companyโ€™s culture.Do some digging onlineโ€‹Have a look at employee review sites such as Glassdoor for comments from inside the company on their culture. However, keep in mind that people are potentially more likely to leave a bad review than a good one. This may mean, however, that a company with a slew of great reviews could be a particularly positive sign.โ€‹See if you have any connections within the company on LinkedIn and get the inside scoop from them. Again, donโ€™t take these viewpoints as gospel, but rather as a building block and a way to get a general idea of employee experience. LinkedIn is also a way to find out the general tenure of people who work there as well as possibilities for progression and development. Good retention and development can be a sign of a positive company culture.โ€ฏBranch out during your interviewWhile an interview is a companyโ€™s chance to determine whether your skills and experience are right for the role, a large part of the decision will come down to character fit, which is essentially another way of determining how you would fit into their culture. Itโ€™s also a two-way street, of course, meaning itโ€™s your opportunity to figure out if their culture is a fit for you, too.โ€ฏA great way to get the answers to this question that you need is to find an opportunity to speak candidly to your interviewer or others you meet within the business. These are likely the people youโ€™ll be interacting with regularly and youโ€™ll want to get a sense of how they communicate, both to you and to each other. Are they excited about the company? Do they seem to get along well? Do you have things in common beyond the professional? These are all factors that contribute to the overall culture and will impact your everyday experience.Get specificAsking a generic question will give you a generic answer, and hiring managers and other people who may be part of your interview process donโ€™t want to hear the same old question interview after interview. Instead, show the company youโ€™re interviewing for that youโ€™re looking for more than to just show up, do the work, and get paid. Youโ€™re an individual with more to offer, and all parties will benefit from a good cultural fit. In addition, itโ€™s not enough for you to take their word that they have a great company culture. Get into specifics and request examples of when company values and culture have led to success or excellent employee wellbeing.โ€ฏFor example, say that you want to work somewhere where personal development is taken seriously, and then ask for an example where a personal development program has helped an employee achieve a promotion or a new qualification. Or if mental health support is important to you, ask about the ways in which the company offers this and whether itโ€™s been well utilised.โ€ฏThese stories and examples will give you a much better impression of how the culture works rather than memorised lines about remote working policies and employee engagement. And on top of that, youโ€™ll get a much better feel for the people behind the job titles, which is half the battle when it comes to understanding where you fit into a companyโ€™s culture.โ€ฏNo matter what position you find yourself in, use these tips to spot the work cultures that will โ€” and will not โ€” work for you. The company you ultimately choose should enable you to flourish rather than wear you (or your well-being) out.

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Phaidon International Findings Image

Phaidon International Findings

โ€‹As a leading talent partner, we keep our finger on the pulse when it comes to hiring trends, and 2022 was no exception. It has never been more important for companies to understand what business-critical professionals are thinking when it comes to making career changes, what compensation theyโ€™re after, and what benefits they really desire.We surveyed our vast, global network of the best, in-demand professionals, and came up with a number of valuable insights that employers need to know about if they want to attract the best talent, and just as critically, keep them.Discover what is motivating top talent around the world right now with our highlights across Engineering & Infrastructure.Download your copy of this report by completing the form below:โ€‹

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โ€‹The Key to Attracting Female Talent to Engineering  Image

โ€‹The Key to Attracting Female Talent to Engineering

Women remain as scarce as ever in engineering and advanced manufacturing. By the latest estimates, women make up only 13% and 9% of the US engineering and advanced manufacturing workforce respectively. These statistics reveal the state of stagnation over the last few decades. The numbers havenโ€™t changed since 2001, for fact advanced manufacturing, the current estimate represents a decline of one per cent. Why are less women drawn to pursue engineering? One suggestion: they are less competitive. Researchers suggest that gender differences in psychological traits contribute to gender occupational segregation. They argue that women are generally more risk averse and less competitive than men, which affects the โ€œchoice of field of study, which in turn affects future career choice.โ€ The report cites a study from the Netherlands that found even after accounting for grades, perceived mathematical ability and socioeconomic background, gender differences in competitive can account for 20% of their subject choice.However, a study by Muriel Niederle, a professor at Stanford, and Lise Vesterlund found that women were much less confident in their abilities, and this caused them to shy away from situations in which they would have to compete with others.One way to combat this is to give women more encouragement. Among STEM subjects, engineering continues to have one of the highest rate of attrition and women have a higher turnover than men. Several reasons have been posed for this, including an inflexible and demanding work environment that made work-family balance difficult and stigma consciousness. Indeed, in a recent survey by DSJ Global, 41% of engineering professionals say that a lack of accommodation for work-life balance and family is the main challenging to increase gender diversity.Gender bias, whether incidental or deliberate, has a profound impact on attracting women into engineering roles. Dan Brook, a director of LVI Associates, comments that he has witnessed the effects first hand when it comes to recruiting female talent: โ€œWe had one individual, who got through to the final interview stage at a well-known engineering firm. She did her due diligence and saw that the board of directors were all menโ€”so she pulled herself out of the process. She thought they wouldnโ€™t suit her. This shows thereโ€™s a practical, as well as moral, reason to diversify your board and your company. Gender diversity, or a lack of it, has a real impact on talent acquisition. This is tangible.โ€โ€‹Changing the landscapeChange really has to come from the top down, advises Dan Brook, but he has observed a renewed commitment from legislators with regard to supporting diverse businesses, โ€œI first heard about this in Texas a few years ago, where the government are supporting female or minority lead companies through a number of certification schemes, including the Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program and, nationally, the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE).โ€ The Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program was created to promote full and equal procurement opportunities for small business that are at least 51% owned by women or minority groups. Once their application is approved by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA), the company is considered โ€˜certifiedโ€™ and agencies using them on contracts receive credit toward meeting established HUB goals.In Texas, the state-wide HUB goals for procurement are 11.2% for heavy construction other than building contracts and 21.1% for all building construction. Nationally, the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) operates in a similar fashion. Where for-profit small businesses have at least a 51% interest and also control management and daily business operations, they can receive a DBE certification from the relevant state-generally the state Uniform Certification Program (UCP). As recipients of financial assistance from the Department of Transportation, state and local transportation agencies are then responsible to establish DBE subcontracting goals. Such programs play just a part in driving diversity in engineering. Not all companies can, or will be, minority-led, but they need to find ways to increase their gender balance. All firms need to create an integrated talent pipeline that hires and promotes female talent. The first step to accomplishing this is to understand why female engineers exit from the recruitment process. Download our complimentary report that takes a deep dive into the engineering, manufacturing, transport and logistics responses from Why Women Withdraw from the Recruitment Process.

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