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The Electric Vehicle Revolution: A Look Inside the Industrial Construction Sector

Posted on August 2023

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The industrial construction landscape is rapidly changing, with innovative trends that are reshaping the way businesses approach projects and talent acquisition. With the rise of the electric vehicle (EV) market, particularly in the United States, a noticeable shift is underway, influencing the direction of key players in the industry.

Automotive Manufacturing: The New Epicenter

Automotive manufacturing is no longer just about traditional cars and parts, as River Hoshiar, Associate Vice President at LVI Associates, has witnessed. "Automotive manufacturing has quickly become my main focus within industrial contruction, as nearly all of my key clients have projects that are related to the electric vehicle (EV) construction boom happening in the US market," says Hoshiar.

Indeed, this is not just about building vehicles. It encompasses a whole range of associated infrastructure. The surge in demand for EVs requires a robust supporting industry, from semiconductor manufacturing to assembly plants and even factories dedicated to crafting specific EV parts.

LVI Associates: At the Forefront of Construction Support

LVI Associates stands out as a beacon of support in this new era. By collaborating with General Contractors, Owner Representation, and Construction Management firms, we are helping to pave the way for revolutionary facilities that will support the future of automotive manufacturing by connecting these organizations with the world's top industry professionals.

A prime testament to this commitment is our involvement in the recent $18Bn semiconductor project in Austin, TX. "This project alone has been instrumental in supporting 10,000 jobs and generating an impressive $546M in salaries in Central Texas," Hoshiar remarks.


Hiring for the future

The future is electric, and with such monumental projects underway, there's a burgeoning need for expertise and dedicated talent. Businesses looking to make a mark in this evolving landscape will need the right talent partners by their side.

If you're looking to hire or need support for your upcoming projects, don't hesitate to contact us. Ensuring you have the right team and expertise is paramount.

In the words of Hoshiar, "A well-built foundation today ensures a sustainable future for tomorrow." Ensure your foundation is rock-solid by requesting a call back with the best specialist talent experts in the business.